iThemes Logo


Established in 2008, iThemes is your one-stop shop for WordPress themes, plugins and training. We make your favorite plugins like BackupBuddy, iThemes Security, iThemes Exchange, Sync + many others!​
BackupBuddy is the best way to easily backup and move your WordPress sites, and we just released 5.0 – the best version yet.
iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) is a trusted security pluggin with nearly 3 million downloads.
iThemes Exchange makes WordPress ecommerce simple. You can get set up and selling your digital and physical products online in 5 minutes. Exchange is simple but extendable with add-ons like membership and invoices to handle any ecommerce need.
iThemes Sync is ideal for freelancers, agencies or anyone else managing multiple WordPress sites. Sync provides one simple dashboard where you can update themes and plugins, run backups, manage comments and users all without having to log in to each WordPress site individually. Sync save you tons of time (which means it saves you money too).

At iThemes our goal is to Make People’s Lives Awesome. We do this through our products, support, training and culture. Learn more about us and our products.
